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Frequently Asked Questions

Have questions on how to get started in Bronto? Curious what other dinos are asking? Or just looking for some guidance? Look no further.

Updated over a week ago

What platforms should I connect to Bronto?

We recommend connecting your LinkedIn and Google accounts to Bronto. This will pull your LinkedIn contacts and Google (Gmail) contacts into Bronto and create (2) separate contact segments for each.

How do I share my network with others?

There are a few ways you can share your network with others.

  1. Share a Segment: best for sharing specific network segments in a one-way exchange.

    • This offers greater control, but less collaboration than Network Collaboration.

    • Via the Contacts menu, select the segment you wish to share. Click “Share” in the upper right-hand corner. In the pop-up “Share Segment” menu, select access and add email recipients.

    • Common use cases are a list of people in a specific industry, specific job titles, specific companies. For instance, if you are talking to someone and then want to send them a list of folks you know in a VP of Sales role, you could share a segment that lists all the VP of sales you know.

    • This allows you more control over who is shared than with Network Collaboration.

  2. Invite others to collaborate: best for sharing segments in a two-way exchange (aka, you want them to share with you too!)

    • Via the Networking menu, select “Network Collaboration.” Click the “Collaborate” button in the upper right-hand corner. In the pop-up menu, add email recipient and select which network segment you want to share.

    • Common use cases are when you generally want ongoing access to someone else’s network and they can have access to yours.

    • This offers you greater collaboration and real-time access to more contacts, but is less specific than Sharing a Segment.

Learn more about sharing segments here.

Who should I share my network (or segments) with?

TL;DR: It’s completely up to you. You can be as selective or as broad as you’d like.

To help you determine what is best according to your own goals and needs, here are a few examples of effective shared network segments and how to use them:

  • Sales

    • You invite your team members (and other members of your team that might be connected to your ICPs) to collaborate and their network with you. You can do the same as a token of thanks. This will show you who in your company might already be connected to your ICPs and could facilitate an intro. Cheers to warm leads!

    • You are involved in other revenue-focused communities. Invite fellow members to share their closest friends segment/ICP-specific segments and you’ll do the same for them! What better way to increase warm leads by tapping into your existing network?!

    • You attended an event and gathered new contacts. Create a static network segment of those contacts and share with your marketing or the rest of the sales team for next steps based on their needs. Now these people are in your funnel.

  • Job Seekers and Connectors

    • You are a job seeker, networking with people in your ideal role. After networking with them, offer to share your network with them and invite them to do the same. Bonus points if you can curate a segment that would be helpful to them based on their needs.

    • You are trying to help someone find a job in a specific industry. Create a dynamic network segment of your contacts that align with their ideal role and share it with them!

My colleagues have shared their networks with me. How do I find a warm lead in my shared networks?

Head over to the Networking Menu —> Network Collaboration to see shared networks.

From there, you can see All Networks or choose a specific shared network in the dropdown.

To find a warm lead, you can utilize the search bar to key-word search by job title, company, or industry. Or, you can use the Filters button to filter by name, company, title or connection level.

Note, while the search and filter functions are using LinkedIn data to fulfill the search, we recommend tapping the LinkedIn icon next to the contact’s name to verify that they are a qualified lead before requesting an intro.

How do I request an introduction to someone in a shared network?

To request an introduction to someone in a shared network, click the “Request an Intro” button next to their name. You’ll be prompted to fill out a “forwardable blurb”—this is important to fill out, as both the introducer and the person you want to connect with will see this blurb in the email thread.

Do you have any recommendations on what to write in the intro request’s “forwardable blurb?”

When requesting an introduction, you want to consider how best to express why you want to be connected with this person. Perhaps you want to include them in a beta program for your new product, or you want to get a virtual coffee with them to network, or you straight up think they would benefit from the product you’re selling! Either way, you want to make the request for an introduction (aka the forwardable blurb) personalized, authentic, and succinct.

I’m not finding anyone in my shared networks that I want to connect with. What now?

Invite more people to share networks with you in Bronto! Perhaps consider people you know in real life who may be connected to the type of people you want to connect with and invite them in.

Someone requested an intro to someone in my network. What do I do now?

You can either approve or reject this request. Click on an individual request via the Networking Menu —>Manage Intros tab.

  1. Approve Request: Click “Forward Intro.” Then you can choose to ask your contact to opt-in to this connection (which opens an email template before you can send intro email) or, you can make a “Fast Intro” which doesn’t require additional opt-in. If you choose “Fast Intro,” the status of the request will be marked as “Pending” and you have to click “Send Intro Email” to populate a templated email. We recommend customizing this email based on your relationship with this contact.

  2. Reject: Click reject. The status of this request will be marked as rejected. No further action is required.

What are Notes used for?

Notes are a space for networking notes, reminders, and document details. You can assign notes to a specific contact(s) or leave them unassigned. Learn more about Notes.

How do I invite my friends/colleagues into Bronto?

The more the merrier! In the bottom left-hand corner of the sidebar, you should see an “Invite Friends” button. If you love using Bronto, use this “Send an invitation” button to invite up to 3 of your friends to Bronto Beta. Need more? Reach out to us at [email protected].

Still have questions? Check out our In-Depth Walkthrough of Bronto or shoot us a message via the help beacon (bottom right of your screen) or [email protected].

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