Congrats, your Intro Board is live and you've gotten your first intro offer through. What's next?
See incoming intro offers
When someone offers an intro on your Intro Board, you'll be notified via email and be able to see the incoming offer in the "Intro Submissions" tab as seen below.
You'll be able to see the name and email of the referrer as well as the name and email of the person they're offering an intro to.
Follow up with intro offers
When you see an intro offer that's a good fit that you'd like to follow up, we recommend sending the referrer an email containing the following (see template below):
Thank them for offering the intro
Include a blurb they can forward to the offered intro
Hey {name},
Thanks for offering up an intro to {targetName}! I've included a blurb about how {yourCompany} could help {targetCompany} do XYZ.
If you could forward this to them and connect us if they're interested, that would be great.
{2-3 sentence forwardable blurb}
Handling referral rewards
What should you offer as potential rewards?
You can offer a wide variety of rewards for referrals, including:
Unique swag
Cash (either a flat amount, or percentage of deal value)
How to handle payouts
With the free version of Intro Boards, payouts are handled manually. We recommend following up directly with your referrers to make sure they get their reward within 30 days of the required outcome (qualified demo, closed deal, etc), happening.
If you're interested in handling referrals at scale, automating payouts, and tapping into your wider network for warmer pipeline, we recommend getting a demo of the full Commsor platform.