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Network-Building Message Templates

Need help asking for an introduction or re-connecting with a long-lost contact? We got you.

Updated over a week ago

Requesting an introduction can feel daunting. We get it. That’s why we created a few networking/ introduction templates that will make personalizing that introduction request in Bronto quick and simple…which gets you in touch with warm leads faster!

Welcome to our library of Network-Building Message Templates you can use when requesting an introduction in Bronto.

Forwardable Blurbs for Intros

1.1 - General Intro around specific topic with additional info

I'd love to connect with [Contact] at [Company] to chat about [topic].

If you have a chance to introduce us, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks!

Here's a bit about me: [1-2 sentences about you & Topic].

1.2 - Intro around expertise with additional info

How's it going? I saw you're connected to [Contact] at [Company], and I was hoping you could make an intro. They're the best at [doing something relevant to topic], and I think they'd be interested in [topic].

Here's a bit about me: [1-2 sentences about you & Topic].


1.3 - Intro around expertise with additional info, variation

I'm really interested in chatting with [Contact] about [topic], especially since they're so knowledgeable about [doing something relevant to topic].

If you could help me out with an introduction, I'd be so grateful. Thanks!

Here's a bit about what we’re up to: [1-2 sentences about you & Topic].

1.4 - Intro around expertise with additional info, general chat

Hope you're having a great day! Anyway you can introduce me to [Contact]? Looking to connect with more experts in [topic] and would be excited to chat with them.


1.5 - Intro via contact from past, general w additional info

Hey, been too long! I noticed you're connected to [Contact] at [Company], and I was hoping you could help me out and make an intro.

Would love to chat with [Contact] about [Topic]. Let me know if you can help. Thanks!

Here's a bit about what we’re up to: [1-2 sentences about you & Topic].

1.6 - Intro via contact from past, demo

Hey, been too long! I noticed you're connected to [Contact] at [Company], and I was hoping you could help me out and make an intro.

Would love to chat with [Contact] about [Topic]. We’ve got some interesting stuff brewing on [topic] and would love to demo it and get [contact’s] insights. Let me know if you can help. Thanks!

1.7- Intro around feedback with additional info

Hey there! Hope you're doing well. I'm looking for an intro to [Contact] at [Company]. Would love to chat about [topic] with them and get their feedback on what we're working on at [Company].

Would really appreciate your help!

Here’s a link with some more information about [topic]:

1.8 - Intro around feedback, shorter

Hey! I'd love to be introduced to [Contact] at [Company]. I’m working on something new in [topic] that I think they'd be interested in. Excited to connect and hear their thoughts. Would love an intro! Thanks!

1.9 - Intro, general chat on topic

Can you help me out with an intro to [Contact] at [Company]? I’m researching something new in [topic], and I think they'd be a great person to chat with about it. Thanks!

1.10 - Intro around recent post

Can you help me out with an intro to [Contact]? I’m just read their post about [topic] and would love to connect with them and chat about it. Thanks!

General Catch Up

2.1 - Previously Known Contact. Reaching out with request for intro re target company & general catch up

I am looking to connect with someone at [Company] to talk about [XYZ]. I noticed that [target] is one of your contacts and I was wondering whether you might be willing to introduce me to them? Would be great to catch up sometime too if you’re up for it.

2.2 - Previously Known Contact. Reaching out to them after a long time with a request for intro re: target company & general catch-up

It’s been too long! How are things? I'm reaching out because I am looking to connect with someone at [Company] to talk about [XYZ]. I noticed that [target] is one of your contacts and I was wondering whether you might be willing to introduce me to them? In any case, it would be great to catch up sometime if you’re up for it.

2.3 - Previously Known Contact. Reaching out to them after a long time with a request for intro re: learning from a subject matter expert & general catch-up

It’s been too long! How are things? I'm reaching out because I am looking to connect with people who are experts in [XYZ]. Trying to learn as much as I can about [detail]. I noticed that [target] is one of your contacts and I was wondering whether you might be willing to introduce me to them? In any case, it would be great to catch up sometime if you’re up for it.

2.4 - Previously Known Contact. Reaching out to them after a long time with a request for a general catch-up

How are things? Was just thinking it’s been too long since we’ve chatted. Would be great to catch up sometime if you’re up for it.

2.5 - Previously Known Contact. Reaching out to them after they shared a social media update. Request for a general catch-up

I saw your post about [topic]. Sounds really interesting! Would love to hear more about it and catch up. Up for a chat in the next week or two?

2.6 - Previously Known Contact. Reaching out to them after they shared a social media update.

Just read your latest post about [topic]. Really interesting! I hadn’t thought about [relevant point] in quite that way before. Thanks for sharing!

2.7 - Previously Known Contact. Reaching out to them & sharing an article/link

I saw this and immediately thought of you! [link] How've you been?

2.8 - Previously Known Contact. Reaching out to them to congratulate them on their new role.

Congrats on [new role]! Exciting & well-deserved. Once you get settled in, would love to hear more about what you’re up to.

2.9 - Previously Known Contact, a former colleague. Reaching out to them with a general check-in.

Hope you are doing well! It's been too long since we last connected.

I still remember how your support helped me at [company name].

I'd love to hear about what you've been working on lately, and maybe even set up a time to catch up further.

Let me know if you're up for it!

2.10 - Previously Known Contact. Came up in a conversation with a mutual contact. Reaching out to them with a general check-in.

Small world! I was talking with [mutual contact] your name & awesomeness came up. Didn’t realize you two knew each other! Would be great to catch up sometime if you’re up for it.


3.1 - Previously Known Contact attends event you/company hosted/promoted/recommended.

Send a quick message thanking them for attending and mentioning something specific from the event that you both enjoyed.

I just wanted to say thanks for coming to the [event name]! Great to see a familiar face and geek out about [event subject] together. What did you think about [subject of event or specific format detail]?

3.2 - Previously Unknown Contact attends virtual event you also attended. Send a quick message reiterating how great it was to connect and how you would like to stay in touch.

Great to run into virtually you at [event name]. Was great to meet some others interested in [event topic]. Sent connection on LinkedIn {if via email}. Hope to stay in touch!

3.3 - Previously Known Contact attends an in-person event that you also attended. Send a message saying that it was great to see them at the event and that you'd love to connect again in the future.

Great seeing you at [event name]! Would be great to catch up properly soon. What about coffee or lunch in [time frame]?

3.4 Previously Unknown Contact attends virtual event you also attended. Send a quick message introducing yourself and mentioning something specific from the event.

Saw you were at the [event name] too. I’m trying to learn as much as I can about [specific thing discussed] these day. What did you think of the [specific detail from event]?

3.5 Previously Unknown Contact attends virtual event you also attended. Send a quick message introducing yourself and mentioning something in common.

Saw you were at the [event name] & also that you [are also from city X, attended school ABC, worked at 123, etc]. would be great to stay in touch!

3.6 Previously Unknown Contact speaks at a virtual event you attended. Send a quick message introducing yourself and mentioning something specific from the event.

Hi from the [event name]! Really enjoyed your thoughts on [event topic]. Trying to learn as much as I can about [specific thing discussed] these days & loved your approach to [topic, include detail if possible].

3.7 - Previously Known Contact attends an in-person event that you also attended. Send a message with a link to a relevant article/video/etc as a follow up.

Came across this fascinating article about [event topic] today. Thought it might be of interest to you given our conversation at [event name]. Curious what you think!

3.8 - Previously Known Contact is relevant for upcoming event (not hosted by your company). Send them an invite with a quick note.

Came across this [event] event and thought you might be interested in joining me! It's on [date/time]. Would be more fun to attend together. Let me know if you’re in.

3.9 - Previously Known Contact is relevant for an upcoming event (hosted by your company). Send them an invite with a quick note.

We’re hosting an event coming up [event] on [date/time]. Thought you might be interested, especially since [relevant detail]. Would be great to see you there and hear what you think!

3.10 - Previously Unknown Contact is relevant for upcoming event (hosted by your company). Send them an invite with a quick note.

Wanted to personally invite you to our upcoming event coming up [event]. It’s on [date/time]. Thought you might be interested, especially since [relevant detail]. Would be great to see you there and hear what you think!

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