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Create a dynamic segment
Create a dynamic segment

Create dynamic segments in Bronto to organize contacts based on specific criteria

Updated over a week ago

Step-by-step tutorial

  1. Accessing Segments in Bronto

    • Open Bronto and navigate to the left-hand navigation menu where you can find the "Contacts" section.

    • Click on the "+" button located next to "Contacts."

  2. Naming the New Segment

    • After clicking the "+" button, a window will appear where you can name your new segment.

    • Enter a descriptive name for your dynamic segment, e.g., "CEOs."

  3. Choosing Dynamic Segment Type

    • In the same window, you'll see an option to choose between "Static" and "Dynamic" segments.

    • Select "Dynamic" since we want this segment to update automatically based on specific criteria.

    • Click "Create" to proceed.

  4. Defining the Segment Criteria

    • The next step involves setting up the criteria for your dynamic segment.

    • By default, the segment will include all the contacts in your network.

    • To narrow down the segment to only include CEOs, we need to add a filter.

  5. Adding a Filter

    • Click on the "Add Filter" button to specify the criteria for CEOs.

    • You'll have the option to choose various fields from the contact data, such as first name, last name, company description, location, etc.

    • Since we want to filter based on the "Description" field, select "Description" from the available fields.

  6. Setting Filter Conditions

    • After choosing the "Description" field, you can now define the filter condition.

    • Select "Contains" to ensure that the description contains the term "CEO."

    • Enter "CEO" in the text box next to "Contains" to specify the filter condition.

  7. Applying the Filter

    • Once you've set the filter conditions, the dynamic segment will automatically update to include contacts that meet this criterion.

    • You'll see the segment size reducing to reflect the number of contacts who have "CEO" in their description.

  8. Finalizing the Dynamic Segment

    • Review the dynamic segment settings to ensure they match your requirements.

    • If everything looks good, click "Create" to finalize the dynamic segment.

  9. Utilizing the Dynamic Segment

    • Congratulations! You've successfully created a dynamic segment named "CEOs" that will automatically include contacts with "CEO" in their description.

    • As you add new contacts to your personal network, if they have "CEO" in their description, they will be added automatically to this segment.

    • Similarly, if contacts change their description and no longer match the filter criteria, they will be removed from the segment.

That's it! You've learned how to create a dynamic segment in Bronto and set up criteria to organize contacts based on specific conditions. Dynamic segments are a valuable tool for efficiently managing and curating subgroups within your network.

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