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Using Filters in Shared Networks & Segments
Using Filters in Shared Networks & Segments

How to use filters to organize your contacts and easily find key connections.

Updated over a week ago

One of the most powerful features of Bronto is filtering. Using this feature enables you to organize your segments (people you are connected to) and your shared networks (people your connections are connected to / your extended network).

Filtering is the difference between manually navigating through thousands of contacts vs. easily narrowing it to the most relevant people.

How Filters Work

  • Filters rely on integrations with LinkedIn and Gmail, which are connected to Bronto through their API.

  • Some information about contacts is available in these integrations, some are not.

  • Some information is only available if you are actually connected with the person (like in a Segment) while others are also available if you are not (Shared Network).

You can use filters in two places in Bronto:

  1. Filter your contacts, via the Contacts and Segments tabs

  2. Filter your shared networks, via the Network Collaboration tab

Filters: Sources of Data and Capabilities

How can you filter data? Take a look at the below chart to see what filters are available in segments vs. shared network menus and where the data comes from.

Filter Name



Shared Network

Additional context

First Name

LinkedIn, Gmail, Manual, CSV Import

Last Name

LinkedIn, Gmail, Manual, CSV Import


LinkedIn, Gmail, Manual, CSV Import

Includes present and past companies


LinkedIn, Gmail, Manual, CSV Import

Includes present and past titles


Manual or CSV import


LinkedIn, Gmail, Manual, CSV Import

For Linkedin, it must be enriched. More here.


LinkedIn, Manual, CSV Import


LinkedIn, Manual, CSV Import

Connection Level

LinkedIn, Manual, CSV Import


LinkedIn, Manual, CSV Import


not available


not available


not available


LinkedIn, Gmail, Manual, CSV Import

All of these fields depend on the person 1) having provided that information on their LinkedIn profile and 2) having elected to share it with their connections. If they did not do this, we cannot access it due to user privacy rights.

Examples of how people are currently using filters in contacts/segments:

  • I need to find people who have worked in marketing

    • Filters used: Title contains “Marketing”

  • I need to find people who have ever worked at Commsor

    • Filters used: Company contains “Commsor”

  • I need to find people who are decision-makers (VP, or Director-level)

    • Filters used: Title contains VP or Director

  • I need to find people who have indicated that they’re interested in being on my podcast

    • Filters used: Custom Attribute-Podcast Interest Checkbox is checked

  • I need to find people who have received merch from us

    • Filter used: Custom Attribute- Merch Received Tags are present

  • I need to find people who are on my “Nurturing List”

    • Filter used: Custom Attribute - Nurturing Status is active, engaged, or call scheduled

Examples of how people are currently using filters in shared networks:

  • I need to find people who work at or have worked at X COMPANY

    • Filter used: Company is X

  • I need to find founders and CEOs who are connected to my contacts (ideally for a warm intro)

    • Filter used: Title is CEO, Founder + Connection Level is 2nd

  • I need to find people who work in cybersecurity

    • Keyword search recommended here, search “cybersecurity”

Due to LinkedIn’s API, we are unable to filter by the following:

  • Location

  • Industry

  • Keywords

  • School

Filters that could be rolled out in the future:

Please keep in mind this is not guaranteed and is subject to change

  • Location from LinkedIn

  • Past/Current companies and titles

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