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Notes explained

How to Use the Notes Feature in Bronto

Updated over a week ago

Adding a New Note

  • After accessing the notes feature, you will see all the different notes listed.

  • To add a new note, click on the "Add Note" option, located on the upper right corner of the notes page.

  • In the text field that appears, type in the content of your note.

Using Markdown for Formatting

  • Notes support Markdown, allowing you to add formatting to your notes.

  • If you want to format your note using Markdown, simply use the appropriate Markdown syntax.

  • Add any formatting you need to your note, and then save it.

Assigning Notes to Contacts

  • After adding your content and formatting to the note, you can assign it in the field below, called "Assigned contacts"

  • Choose the contacts

  • Confirm the selection to save the note with the assigned contacts.

Viewing Notes on Individual Contacts

  • To view a contact's notes, go to their individual contact profile.

  • In the profile, you should find a section or tab labeled "Notes".

  • Click on that section to see any notes associated with that contact.

Adding Notes Directly from Contact Information

  • Notes can be added directly from a contact's information.

  • To do this, find the specific contact for whom you want to add a note.

  • Open that contact's profile or information page.

  • Look for an option that says "Add Note" on the contact's page.

  • Click on that option to add a note directly to that contact's profile.

Viewing Notes on the Main Notes Page

  • Notes added directly to a contact's profile will also appear on the main notes page.

  • To view all the notes in one place, go back to the main notes page by using the navigation provided (e.g., "Back to Notes" or "Main Notes").

  • On this page, you should see a list of all the notes, including the one you just added for the specific contact.

Congratulations! You've now learned how to use the Notes feature in Bronto, including adding new notes, formatting them using Markdown, assigning notes to specific contacts, and viewing notes on both individual contact profiles and the main notes page. You can use this feature to keep track of important information and interactions with your contacts efficiently.

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